A ''Space Invaders clone'' which is extremely removed from the normal type in the genre.
Claiming to be like Space Invaders, the similarities end when you see what the enemies look like. This is an intense, fast paced scrolling shooter with brilliant bullets flying everywhere. Very much unlike the original Space Invaders.
The game takes the form of a continuously stretching, possibly endless level. The thing never ends or clearly switches between levels, but gradually increases in difficulty as the game progresses.
Although at first look it seems to be a standard shooter, there is depth to the game within the two firing modes. One is more powerful and makes you slower, the other is weaker but allows you manoeuvring speed. You can also EAT enemy bullets and fire them back if done correctly.
There are two other modes of play which are quite interesting and the high score board is easily accessible, this does provides replay value and is very enjoyable.