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Monopoly Download

  • Genre: Board
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP

A fairly well made DOS based Monopoly game.

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  • Acidic's picture

    When you're deciding whether or not to download this Monopoly game keep in mind that there are very few freeware versions of Monopoly out there. It really is a take what you can get situation. This old DOS based Monopoly game is far from great but it's still playable and has all the features found in the original board game.

    You may experience some graphical glitches during play but it's nothing mind blowing. These glitches are more than likely due to this games age and Windows XP's dislike of old DOS based software so you can't really hold that against this game.

    The controls are an aspect that could have used some work. Moving your mouse cursor is a slow, time consuming procedure, requiring many meters of desk space to get your cursor from one side of your Monopoly empire to the another. You will however get used to this and the exercise wont do you any harm.

    If you're short on players you can add some fairly skilled AI players. This is a major plus and is really the games strong point, it's the one thing that makes me suggest you download it, especially if you're just itching for a game of Monopoly.

  • Harris3367

    I must say that despite the fact of this being a DOS based game, it is very enjoyable. There is really only one thing I would change about the game and that would be to make the trading options more complex - like to let the computer ask for a trade instead of the player having to initiate it. In the game review, someone said that the mouse goes slow but that problem can easily be fixed in the options menu.

    I love that you can put the game in quick play mode because it makes the game pieces move really fast. I like this game better than its opponent on Acid-play (Monopoly Deluxe) because it is a lot faster and the graphics are still nice, even if they aren't as great as the deluxe version. If you like to play Monopoly but don't want to sit for hours to play it, I highly recommend this game!

  • Elf Wizard

    If you like Monopoly, give it a try. It's Public Domain and easy to download, so you don't loose anything. Just remember - all DOS programs have to be (under XP), memory protected. (right click-Properties->Memory->Protected->OK). If failed to start, go to and download VDMS and LaunchPad. After installing both of them, right click at Monopoly.exe->Run with VDMS (the second entry, with music symbol)->Next->Add a shortcut at my desktop->Finish.

    If you want another icon from your computer,right click Shortcut to monopoly->Properties->Advanced->Change Icon->Browse->(Select here the icon you want from your computer)->OK->OK->OK.

    Have a nice playing time !

  • Kronic29

    This game was not only a load of tosh, but it crashed the computer. The game was unplayable & looked like I was using Microsoft Paint when I moved the mouse & then sent the computer mad & said there was a serious system error!

    I have a decent computer & don't want it to mess anyone elses up! Yes I guess you could say it's a wee bit RUBBISH! Don't download it unless you want serious complications!

  • Busa

    This game is really fun to play even if you have a 8 mb video card or a pentium 2 computer.

    By far it is a really cool game specially if you need to show your friends how evil you really are in terms of money!

    But it is too bad that some people just cant admire the work of others. and all they can do is make harsh comments for such a work of art.

  • Molly

    I have Windows XP and I guess that OS and the game do not mix well at all. Game temporarily messed up my computer: it changes the resolution, but when you go to change it back you get a message saying there has been an error. I do not recommend people taking the risk to download this game.

  • Torment

    It's a very good rendition of Monopoly, considering there are other versions out there. The only problem(s) I see are:

    Computer needs a delay.

    Trades need to be able to accept multiple properties: i.e. this and this for boardwalk.

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