A fantastic DOS based racing game featuring a variety of cars and interesting visual effects.
Imagine GeneRally in 2D and for DOS. It’s a fast paced multi-car action racing sim with a top-down view and sporting flashy graphics.
The modes are practice, race and career. As usual, career is the focal point of the experience with five different car types to unlock and race through five different tracks – against five different opponents.
Your opponents range from severely cunning to downright stupid as you’ll see when you turn a corner and notice someone’s tyre tracks going horizontally along the track and disappearing off the side of the screen. Other opponents will dog you the whole race and pinch your spot right at the last turn.
The graphics, typical DOS style are none too exciting. However the effects are downright amazing. Every car’s tyre marks will be visible in the dirt and will stay for the entire race and as you progress through each levels ten laps, your car becomes caked in dirt until it’s barely recognizable.
While it doesn’t offer anything spectacularly new, it does ooze charm and nuance through its every dirt clouded pixel. The variety shown in such a little game, with its number of tracks, unlockable cars and variable AI opponents makes for a neat little racing game that should be played.